Design Circuit: 2021 Updates to
IPC Design
A year of COVID-19 has taught the world how
to operate more efficiently in the virtual amphi-
theater, and IPC is no different. While stan-
dards development meetings have historically
occurred via teleconference, and most internal
IPC business is conducted remotely, our larger
programs—training and educational activities,
full-day development meetings, hand-solder-
ing competitions, etc.—have always relied on
face-to-face collaboration.
TTM's Approach to Stackup
Design: Train the Customer
TTM's Julie Ellis and Richard
Dang drill down into stackup
design, detailing some of the
common stackup challenges
that their customers face when
designing for both prototype
and volume levels, and offering advice to
designers or engineers who are struggling with
stackup issues.
Cutting Respins: Journey to the
Single-spin PCB
As an engineer/business owner,
I find respins frustrating because
I would rather spend my time
and money applying scientific
principles inventing, improving
technology, and solving prob-
lems. I am not an advocate for perfectionism, but
rather I focus on becoming a better adventurer.
Standard of Excellence: The
Importance of Supplier Retention
We spend a great deal of time
and money on attaining low
customer turnover rates, mak-
ing sure that we keep those
good customers we worked so
hard to attain. But what about
holding onto our good PCB vendor/partners?
We need to be sure that we are retaining our
good suppliers with the same diligence that we
hold on to our customers.
Just Ask Heidi Barnes:
The Exclusive Compilation
We asked for your questions
for Keysight Technologies'
Heidi Barnes, and you took
us up on it! We know you all
enjoyed reading these ques-
tions and answers, so we've
compiled all of them into one article for easy
reference. We hope you enjoy having another
bite at the apple.
Maxed Out: Component Search
Engine is a Total Game Changer
T h e C o m p o n e n t S e a r c h
Eng ine prov ide s de s ig ner s
with free access to hundreds
of thousands of ECAD and
MCAD models in the form of
schematic symbols, PCB foot-
prints, and 3D models.
PCBDesign007.com for the latest circuit design news and information.
Flex007.com focuses on the rapidly growing flexible and rigid-flex circuit market.
Anaya Vardya
Heidi Barnes
Clive "Max" Maxfield
Julie Ellis
Chris Young