PCB007 Magazine


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JULY 2021 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 75 ose discussions are happening and that it is going to spark innovation. ere must even- tually be some changes if copper continues its current constraints; if we continue to see hy- perinflation, it's going to cause innovation. Matties: It seems like there's new opportunity for base materials specifically for that additive process. Obviously, you guys are paying atten- tion to the additive process, so what's your take on that? Kelly: It's very interesting. Actually, I worked with some people that are very close to that technology. Once again, with what's happen- ing right now from a macroeconomic stand- point relative to copper and potential short- ages and hyperinflation, companies need to look at new technologies as it relates to materi- al processing techniques. at technology and others are being discussed very closely with the team we have here at Isola. Matties: Now, with possible copper substitute materials, like graphene, are you looking at that sort of material at this point? Kelly: We do have an alternative materials group. I don't want to call it a department, but we have several individuals who are tasked with looking at alternatives. It's not just a focus on copper; it can be a focus on woven glass or a focus on different resin systems and chemicals. So, that's exactly what we're constantly doing to chal- lenge one another on—what the next five to 10 years will look like. Alternative materials, across the board right now, are the number one top- ic. Once again, it's not just focused on copper. ere are a lot of different materials that can not only be more widely available, but can also en- hance the characteristics of our products, espe- cially some of the future products. Matties: You've been with Isola now for going on three years? Kelly: Almost three years. Matties: And when you came in, what sort of transformation did you effect? Is R&D some- thing that you really were passionate about and brought in, or was that already in place? What changes have you made since coming to Isola? The Chandler, Arizona Isola production facility.

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