The Government Circuit: Advocating for
the Entire Electronics Supply Chain E
Here in Washington, we are encouraged by re-
cent policy discussions that indicate a biparti-
san commitment to U.S. manufacturing that is
long overdue. European officials are also pro-
moting a policy agenda that could be very
positive for electronics. But there is still more
work to be done to bolster the entire electron-
ics ecosystem.
Adventures in Engineering: The
Ecosystem of Autonomous Flight E
To be clear, autonomous flight is here, it has
been done, the achievement has been made.
Now, how do we create an ecosystem for this
newly proven technology and how do we in-
corporate it into our lives?
Germany Latest EU Country to Introduce
Due Diligence Rules E
On 11 June 2021, the German Supply Chain
Act was adopted by the German Parliament
by a large majority, introducing binding hu-
man rights and environmental due diligence
obligations for companies.
Sypris Wins Electronic Warfare
Program E
Sypris Electronics, LLC, a subsidiary of Sypris
Solutions, Inc., announced that it has recent-
ly received a full-rate production award from a
U.S. DoD prime contractor to manufacture and
test multiple electronic power supply modules
for a large mission-critical U.S. Navy program.
Production is expected to begin in the second
half of 2021.
Survey: Reasons U.S. Electronics Manu-
facturers May Exit Defense Market E
In a new IPC industry survey and report, 24%
of electronics manufacturers say the costs and
burdens of compliance with the Cybersecuri-
ty Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) may
force them out of the U.S. Department of De-
fense's (DoD) supply chain.
Raytheon Technologies Working to Take
Heat Off New Generation of Fighters E
e U.S. military has begun to define require-
ments for its future fighters. To conduct oper-
ations in advanced threat environments, next-
gen fighters will need greater range provided
by more powerful and fuel-efficient engines;
better avionics; and advanced mission systems.
EIPC Technical Snapshot Review:
Microvia Reliability Issues E
Since the mid-1990s, when they were devel-
oped for mass production in the mobile phone
industry, microvias have become principal
enablers for high-density designs, and have
evolved from single-level to complex stacked
and staggered structures. ey are fundamen-
tally robust interconnects, although some
aspects of their reliability are still under inves-
Defense Speak Interpreted: The U.S. Has
a Space Force—JEDI Knights Next? E
Does the U.S. Department of Defense's JEDI
contract mean it's going into a Star Wars pro-
duction? Sorry, no Stephen Spielberg this
time. Sorting out the good guys and bad guys
in this cloud computing scenario.