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22 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2021 Welcome to my new column, where I will be pursuing the need for stakeholder advo- cacy in the printed circuit board industry. I'll be deliberating topics essential to helping all of us understand what each PCB project stakeholder needs to achieve 100% accept- ability for their stake in a PCB design proj- ect. ese requirements will be expressed using the same helpful, graphic target condi- tion example methodology which is utilized in the IPC-A-600 and A-610 specifications. I'm looking forward to exploring along with you, the PCB stakeholder, the target condi- tion requirements for PCB sales and busi- ne s s de velo pment , engineer ing , design, procurement, manu- facturing, test, inspec- tion, and customer sat- isfaction. Stakeholder— There is Power in the Term Regarding the over- all success of the PCB industry, it has been written in the pages of this publication that " Ev e r y t h i n g s t a r t s with design." 1 I agree w i t h t h i s s ta te m e n t as long as the defini- tion of design is based upon a project team approach, one which recognizes all the play- ers or "stakeholders" who have a vested inter- est in the overall success of a PCB assembly project. ere is power associated with the role of a stakeholder. Most PCB project stake- holders are not designers per se, but they have just as much of a vested interest in win- ning. ey are empowered by the knowledge, capabilities, and skill they have managed to acquire over time, but they are too oen dis- empowered by being overlooked and misun- derstood by other stakeholders due to project team oversights which do not consider their 'Dealing' With PCB Design Target Condition by Kelly Dack, CIT, CID+