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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2022 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 117 and be trusted advisors. As Vanderheyden commented, "True partners manage through a crisis together." Economic and Policy Impacts Highlighted IPC Chief Economist Shawn DuBravac pro- vided a comprehensive overview of the current economic and supply chain situation, com- menting that while the supply chain crisis has probably peaked, a lot will remain elevated. Jack Calderon and Chaim Lubin, Lincoln Inter- national, also shared that there is a high level of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity with EMS consolidations rising significantly and market values increasing, though market valu- ations are being challenged under current sup- ply chain conditions and are expected to level off. Additionally, they shared that the "super- cycle" will continue to be a key driver of indus- try growth and M&A. Chris Mitchell, IPC's vice president of global government relations, shared the stage with colleagues Alison James and consul- tant Jared Weaver of Salt Point Strategies to update the group on the many relevant advo- cacy initiatives and activities both in the U.S. and globally. Weaver delved into legislative developments around the U.S Innovation and Competition Act (USICA), the CHIPS Act, and the Supporting American Printed Circuit Boards Act. Mitchell and James covered environment and trade regulations and stressed the importance of knowing European regulatory initiatives, even for those not directly engaged with cus- tomers in the EU. Mitchell updated the group on North American-focused activities, includ- ing original research like IPC's recent 2021 North American Advanced Packaging Report and new research on the loss of the PCB indus- try in the U.S., "Preventing the Loss of Another Key U.S. Industry Requires a Holistic Solution to the Semiconductor Crisis." Member support- ers of IPC advocacy initiatives confirmed IPC's increasingly influential voice in Washington. Potential Industry Solutions From Peer Roundtable Sessions e highlight of the day, according to attend- ees, was the opportunity for roundtable discus- sion which focused on solution sharing, leader development, and industry growth. Leader development, as well as labor acquisition and retention, were top of mind with the group as they shared tips and brainstormed ideas both at the company and industry level. Some of these ideas built upon IPC Vice President of Edu- cation Dave Hernandez's update on currently available educational programming for EMS companies, including the Electronics Assem- bly for Engineers and Electronics Assembly for Operators courses. Inspired by the supply chain panel, the group also generated potential supply chain constraint solutions and alliances on which discussions are expected to continue. Many additional best practices were exchanged during the evening's lively networking dinner. CMMC Implementation Tips Appreciated While the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) has been a moving tar- get, Todd Brassard, Calumet Electronics, and Ryan Bonner, DefCert, laid out considerations