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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2022 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 141 Bonsell: I went to Pennsylvania State University. Matties: Wonderful. And what's your degree? Bonsell: It is in chemical engineering. I graduated in August 2018. Matties: How long have you been with Chemcut? Bonsell: I've been with Chemcut for about three years. Matties: What has been the most surprising thing about this industry for you? Bonsell: The thing is, when I was in college, I didn't know about this industry at all. It came to me as a little bit of surprise. When you're in chemical engineering classes, you don't learn about this kind of stuff. You know, you're usually learning about normal reactors, distillation columns—basically more of the actual chemicals industry instead of the actual manufactur- ing. I think that was one of the biggest surprises. Matties: Right. So, when you entered school, what was your hope or dream job, if you will? Bonsell: Honestly, I didn't exactly know what I wanted to do. I always wanted to get involved with research, but I didn't know where that was going to take me. Matties: Well, welcome into the industry. This is great. This is your first IPC APEX EXPO then? Bonsell: It is my first one. Matties: It's been two years since we've had the show. What's your initial impres- sion? Bonsell: Honestly, it's very impressive. I like it here. It's very interesting to see all these companies here and how many people have come and just how many people are interested in what we have to offer. Matties: The robotic arm that you guys are introduc- ing is… Bonsell: Yeah, I'm sure that is quite flashy. Matties: At this moment, everyone needs us. As you know, finding employees in companies is quite challenging. It's nice to see such a young man here in our industry and we certainly welcome you. Bonsell: Thank you for taking the time to chat with me about this. Matties: It's my pleasure indeed. Presenter: Hiroyuki Watanabe, Senior VP, NEC Platforms What is the most interesting question that your IPC APEX EXPO presentation answers? If you feel that achieving the high level of secure manufactur- ing required by the DoD and the government is too difficult for your small- or medium-sized factory, we will show you a proven way to achieve secure man- ufacturing in your small or medium-sized factory. For larger factories, we will provide you with tips on how to control the security of your supply chain and point you in the direction of solutions in the process of rebalancing the manufacturing industry of the future. What is your answer to that question, and why? The technical approach is NIST SP800-171 itself. What we show is the application to real factories, considering the characteristics of real factories. In particular, we focus on raising the level of SME, i.e., the level of secure manufacturing from zero to one, so that anyone can do it. What is the most important piece of advice that you have for your audience? The future is changing and rebalancing, and the transformation of SMEs and developing countries is the key. The methods presented are feasible, and I hope that all factories will take the first step toward realizing them. IPC APEX EXPO: Conference Speakers Speak Out Re-balancing of the Electronic Equipment Manufacturing Industry