It has come the time for a national strategy, in a delib-
erative and comprehensive manner, to address the
critical materials/minerals. Doing so is increasingly crit-
ical to the long-term economy, national security, and
the nation's global competitiveness. With the handling
of conflict minerals as an exemplar, there is perhaps
an even more urgent need to rally another concerted
effort to tackle the critical materials/minerals.
I read the other
day that the
best place to
get a referral or
a testimonial is
from your part-
ners, the people
who you work
with. Things have changed. Now,
your customers are the very peo-
ple to ask and get a reference from.
They are, after all, the ones who
have the most vested interest in
helping you succeed.
IPC EMS Leadership Summit: Peer Solutions
to Supply Chain and Labor Development
EMS leaders gathered for the EMS Leadership Summit in
January at IPC APEX EXPO. Expert and peer presentations
on priorities ranging from the economy to the supply chain,
cybersecurity, and software were interspersed with peer-to-
peer discussions on several key topics.
SMT Perspectives and Prospects: Critical
Materials, A Compelling Case, Part 1
David Pogue: Is the Fear of Change
Holding Us Back?
David Pogue, an American technology and science writer and
TV presenter, sat down with the I-Connect007 Editorial Team
after his keynote presentation at IPC APEX EXPO to talk about
today's technology, the breakthroughs that have shaped our
current landscape, and whether fear of change and innovation
is what's keeping us from the next technological revolution.
Anaya Vardya
Standard of Excellence:
Partners Help
Each Other