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20 SMT007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2022 Feature Article by Michael Ford AEGIS SOFTWARE e standard IQ test has been established for many years now. ough the content within these tests has been cleverly and carefully put together, there are different kinds of "smarts" among people. It is likely that those who are putting together IQ tests will favor the kinds of "smarts" that they themselves have. Humans are very complex, however. Everyone is differ- ent, with natural skills and abilities in a mul- titude of disciplines: technical, artistic, social, and others. Put us all together as a society, and we make a pretty good team, at least when we all work together and support each other. You would think that in the case of manufac- turing technology, the whole process should be a lot simpler. How would we assess the IQ of a Smart factory? ere are many kinds of "smarts" that should be considered—as many as there are machine technologies and soware automation opportunities. In humans, it is quite a challenge to improve our IQ, but in fac- tories, it has become increasingly easy through the greater availability of data, and evolving soware technologies. People with higher IQs tend to be specialists in a particular way. In our factories, we need a good balance of intelli- gence, for example, not only machine learning on a single machine, closed-loop feedback on a specific line configuration, or automated logis- tics decision on some of the materials. How Smart Are You?

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