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22 SMT007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2022 In order to assess the artificial intelligence quotient (AIQ) of the factory, we need to look into all the main factors that potentially contribute; that is, the degree to which we are utilizing available and practical technologies. is way we can look for areas of improve- ment that typically, for example, would utilize existing data in a new way to automate an addi- tional function, or gain insight into potential problems with greater detail. A major challenge is the relationship between data acquisition and utilization, being very similar to the chicken and egg conun- drum. Gathering data from automation repre- sents many difficulties, including the electri- cal connection, protocol, data encoding, and differing language definitions and implemen- tations between vendors, even when follow- ing familiar legacy industry standards. e IPC Connected Factory Exchange (CFX) is the first standard that addresses all these issues, founded in electronics, but applicable in all forms of discrete manufacturing. Whichever method of data acquisition is chosen, however, significant costs are involved, which in them- selves lack a business purpose, as data itself represents little value until utilized. On the other hand, why develop Smart factory appli- cations when there is a lack of data, or more seriously, where the data is not practicable due to lack of context and even a consistently defined meaning. To achieve the Smart factory business case, both data acquisition in a cost- effective way needs to be present, as well as a clear value-driven roadmap of data utilization potential. e "Discover Your Smart Factory IQ" white paper 1 sets out the most common aspirations of those who have discovered Smart manufac- turing applications, using a defined set of rules that guide the reader through the assessment of the current level of Smart factory achieve- ment, as well as immediate readiness for the next stage of technologies, and then on to the ultimate roadmap toward all the benefits that data-driven manufacturing can offer. Any fac- tory operation that is seeking to improve the level of digitalization, to make digitalization more cost-effective and affordable in terms of return on investment (ROI), or simply bench- marking differing operations within an orga- nization to determine strategy, will find this white paper an invaluable tool in the practical measurement and assessment for Smart fac- tory technology. Call To Action What is your Smart factory IQ? Where are your most effective investment opportunities for data-driven Smart manufacturing? is white paper enables you to measure and dis- cover how Smart your factory is and identify cost-effective actions to close gaps and achieve your full digital manufacturing potential. SMT007 References 1. "Discover Your Smart Factory IQ," Aegis Soft- ware Corporation. Michael Ford is the senior direc- tor of emerging industry strategy for Aegis Software. To read past columns or contact Ford, click here. In order to assess the artificial intelligence quotient (AIQ) of the factory, we need to look into all the main factors that potentially contribute.

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