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34 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2022 Holden: With semiconductors down to a cou- ple of nanometers for the transistor, we're now talking about 114 billion transistors for the new Apple M1 super chip. ose chips require 3,000 IO pins and a circuit board with 3,000 pads at a very fine pitch. It's what the semicon- ductor guys drive us to. Reckert: And now they need to be built in the U.S. vs. in South Korea, Taiwan, or Japan. Additive technology for outer layer fine lines and spaces is definitely here to stay, but there's still a lot to learn to make it successful; there's hardly any experience in North America. Matties: What's the most important advice you give a fabricator regarding equipment? Reckert: e service level is really important, of course. We support a lot of different machines, and we cannot have everything on our shelves. When a customer is bringing in a new machine for a certain process step, we advise strongly that they invest in the additional spare parts. One customer in Idaho, for example, has been purchasing a set of spare parts for every machine they're installing. Matties: ey're doing it right then. Reckert: They're doing it absolutely r ight. GreenSource was doing the same thing as well. Matties: Well, it's unplanned downtime other- wise. Reckert: Absolutely. Matties: When you look at the industry over the past few years, what innovation strikes you as being the most amazing or most important in your estimation? Reckert: e big idea everybody wants to see happen is inkjet solder mask. at would, as Integrated automation with laser drill from Tongtai.