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JUNE 2022 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 69 VJ Electronix's Brennan Caissie shares the ben- efits of a new inspection tool that can be used on a variety of boards, with an automated sys- tem that takes the pressure off the manufacturing floor operators and can provide feedback all the way to the design process. Fast growing, integrated EMS specialist, ESCATEC, fresh from posting a record fiscal year in 2021, has announced a new partnership with noted, Zagreb-based, electron- ics design house, Byte Lab. We are expe- riencing short- ages like we have never faced in our lifetime. It is more important than ever that we all work together—and I really do mean all of us—and form a cohesive partnership. Buy new or make do? It's an age-old debate for manufacturers who are trying to decide how best to manage machine assets inside their manufacturing facilities. New machines are expensive, but so is operating existing machines at a comparative deficit. It is likely that those who are putting together IQ tests will favor the kinds of "smarts" that they themselves have. Humans are very complex, however. Everyone is differ- ent, with natural skills and abilities in a multitude of disciplines: technical, artis- tic, social, and others. For the latest news and information, visit VJ Electronix: Automating the X-ray Inspection Process How Smart Are You? Are Your Existing Machines Enough to Keep Up? Standard of Excellence: From Adversaries to Collaborators— Let's Do This Together It should be clear by now that my enthusiasm for X-ray knows no bounds. So, for- give me for not setting my bias aside, but when it comes to X-ray imaging, you probably fall into one of the following categories: you don't need X-ray and you know it, you need X-ray but don't know it, you have X-ray but are underutilizing it, or you are the rarest of birds who has X-ray but just doesn't need it. X-Rayted Files: X-ray Everything! ESCATEC Boosts Design Services Offering in Europe in New Partnership with Croatia's Byte Lab

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