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16 SMT007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2022 e I-Connect007 Editorial Team spoke with Digi-Key senior managers Levy Olson (product management) and Kelsey Lawrence (operational excellence) about parts availabil- ity and how to manage the challenges of the ongoing shortages in supply. Levy and Kelsey share some intriguing statistics on counterfeit parts and discuss how Digi-Key ensures their extensive inventory is stocked with authentic parts. Nolan Johnson: Recently, I took an organized tour of EMS houses in San Jose. At each stop, I would ask , " How 's business going?" And the answer was always, "Great! If we can find the parts." In one warehouse, I noticed a bunch of loaded pallets. e tour guide explained that Drilling Down on Counterfeit Parts was $2 million worth of parts waiting for the arrival of another $500 worth of parts so they could build the board. I'm sure the numbers were meant metaphorically but still, that's their reality on the floor. As a major global distributor for both proto- types and production, Digi-Key undoubtedly has some insight on what's happening. What are the dynamics at play here? Levy Olson: We've been hearing a lot of just that. ere are specific components which have very long lead times that are holding up production. Internally, we jokingly refer to them as the "golden screw." If you have that part, you can build those products. Semiconductors seem to be one product group affected more than the others. Unfortunately, semiconductor is where Feature Interview by the I-Connect007 Editorial Team

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