Wiwynn Corporation, a Taiwan-based innovative
cloud IT infrastructure provider for hyperscale
data centres, officially commenced its Phase II
development on a server PCBA plant for cloud
data centers.
A key to the success of the Roman empire
was its extended roadway system. Designed
by planners called mensors, and executed by
Roman legions, they were transnational, con-
necting the then-known world across culture
and region. Knowing the amount of wealth
they carried, the roads were frequented by
bandits and criminals. Today's internet is the
modern version of the Via Publicae.
Aerospace is a pillar of the economy and of
innovation in Canada. It is one of the most
research-intensive and export-focused
manufacturing industries, employing
thousands of highly qualified people in
every region across the country.
Wiwynn Kickstarts Phase II
Server Plant in Johor, Malaysia
The Big Picture:
The Virtual Via Drum
There has long been a battle between environmental groups
and the mining industry, the former pushing for clean energy
and net zero carbon initiatives while the latter is buried
deeper and deeper under overly burdensome permitting
processes and relentless lawsuits that halt exploration,
construction, and clean production of critical minerals.
FedDev Ontario Invests Over
$7M for FTG Green Operations
Clean Energy and Critical Minerals:
The Dichotomy and Divergence