by Happy Holden, The PCB Magazine, November 2016.
4. "Against the Density Wall: Landless Vias Might
be the Answer," by Happy Holden, The PCB Maga-
zine, June 2016.
5. Happy's TechTalk #6: Looking at the Process of
Repanelization, by Happy Holden, PCB007 Maga-
zine, March 2022.
1. The HDI Handbook, by Happy Holden, et al, BR
Publishing, Salem, Oregon, 2009.
2. Happy's TechTalk #1: Vertical Conductive Struc-
tures (VeCS), by Happy Holden, PCB007 Magazine,
October 2021.
3. "Innovative Use of Vias for Density Improvements,"
Figure 2: VeCS (Vertical Conductive Structures) is a licensed technology using low-footprint
vertical controlled impedance interconnect with low-leakage ground shielding capable of
matching interconnect impedance with SE and differential microstrip and striplines. VeCS also
provides high-density differential routing solutions in =/< 1.0 mm BGA area. Unique "anti-pad"
layers provide a higher cross-section area for power and heat dissipation.
Figure 3: A variety of examples of landless vias on the outer layers of a PCB.