Real Time with... IPC APEX EXPO 2023:
Flat Flex Cable a Potentially Disruptive
Idea E
Managing Editor Andy Shaughnessy and
Jason Michaud, VP of sales and marketing
for Miraco, discuss the company's flat flex
cable, which could replace the flexible cir-
cuit in certain situations. Jason explains why
the company is happy to offer customers less
expensive options, even if it costs them money
in the short run.
Flexible Thinking:
A Once and Future Idea E
Electronic assemblies are typically comprised
of a mix of discrete resistors, capacitors, induc-
tors, and the like, along with numerous inte-
grated circuit chips, each chip having a cer-
tain function or range of different functions.
In such assemblies, there are also several dif-
ferent connectors and/or sockets that allow
for the assembly to be connected to other
Rogers Reports Q4, Full Year 2022
Results E
Net sales of $223.7 million decreased 9.5% ver-
sus the prior quarter resulting from the impact
of China COVID-related restrictions, weaker
demand in certain markets and unfavorable
currency exchange rate fluctuations. AES net
sales decreased by 4.1% related to unfavorable
currency exchange rates and lower sales in
the aerospace and defense and other markets.
EMS net sales decreased by 15.6% primarily
resulting from lower portable electronics and
general industrial market demand.
Mapping the Future of Flexible and
Printed Electronics E
e "OE-A Roadmap for Flexible, Organic and
Printed Electronics" white paper provides a
close look into the advancing maturity of the
industry. In addition to updates on key tech-
nologies and capabilities, more than 100 indus-
try experts have contributed detailed short-,
medium-, and long-term forecasts for markets
including automotive, consumer electron-
ics, healthcare, printing and packaging, smart
building, and internet of things.
VTT: Environmental Impact of
Flexible Electronics Can be Reduced
by Almost 90% E
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
announces the results of a study investigating
how changing the manufacturing of electronics
can improve their environmental impact. For
example, one of the project's most significant
findings showed that environmental impact
could be reduced by 86% when additive print-
ing methods are used to create flexible elec-
tronic components, as reported in detail by
LUT University.
Real Time with… IPC APEX EXPO 2023:
Flex Innovation E
Casey Krueger from MKS Instruments speaks
with Andy Shaughnessy about increasing
yields and via quality in high-volume produc-
tion manufacturing. ey also discuss innova-
tions in flex and improving the material work
surface to increase via quality, and their inte-
gration with MKS' Atotech, a company MKS
acquired in 2021.