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82 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2023 Goodwin: It's about market intelligence as well, knowing what's going on. e bit of the business that I run is really a distribution busi- ness, but we are linked very closely to a man- ufacturing business, and we're one company. Our market intelligence and what's going on in supply chains is way better than some of our third-party distribution competitors. Some of my predictions and things I've said have turned out to be right. at's because the people com- menting find out what's happening when they place their order for the next container of lam- inate. I find out because the guy making the laminate is my boss, and we talk every day. at has strengthened our ability to manage supply chains, and it's valuable to our customers. Mauve: What Mark mentioned is especially true when you have the very high-mix, low- volume technology like RF/analog. e mil- aero segment is basically, by definition, a low- volume, high-mix electronics segment. is is one of the market segments we have been sup- plying for ages, and we have been successful with our polyimide VT-901 material, our no- flow/low-flow prepregs. Goodwin: We brought a new polyimide to mar- ket, and how did we take the market? Well, we took the market because it's a great product; we took the market because it's an interesting price, but we kept the market because we've got robust supply chains. Gentlemen, it's always a pleasure sitting down with you. PCB007 Graphene is a strange material. Understand- ing its properties is both a fundamental question of science and a promising avenue for new tech- nologies. A team of researchers from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and the Weizmann Institute of Science has studied what happens when they layer four sheets of it on top of each other and how this can lead to new forms of exotic superconductivity. Postdoc Areg Ghazaryan and Professor Maksym Serbyn from ISTA, together with colleagues Dr. Tobias Holder and Professor Erez Berg from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, have been studying graphene for years and have now pub- lished their newest findings on its superconducting properties in a research paper in the jour- nal Physical Review B. "Multilayered graphene has many promising qualities, rang- ing from widely tunable band structure and special optical properties to new forms of s u p e r c o n d u c t i v i t y — m e a ni n g being able to conduct electrical current without resistance," Ghazaryan explains. "In our theoretical model, we are continuing our work on multilayer graphene and are looking at various possible arrangements of different graphene sheets on top of each other. There, we found new possibili- ties for creating so-called topological supercon- ductivity." In their study, the researchers simulated on a computer what happens when you stack a few layers of graphene sheets on top of each other in certain ways. "It is like a big beauty con- test among the different con- figurations of stacked sheets of graphene to find the best one," Serbyn adds. "In it, we are looking at how the elec- trons that move in the multi- layer graphene behave." This kind of theoretical research lays the foundations for future experiments that will create the simulated gra- phene systems in a laboratory to see if they really behave as predicted. (Source: ISTA) Reaching Superconductivity Layer by Layer