NextFlex Launches $4.4M Hybrid
Electronics Funding Opportunity E
NextFlex, America's Flexible Hybrid Electron-
ics (FHE) Manufacturing Institute, released
Project Call 8.0 (PC 8.0), the latest call for pro-
posals that seek to fund projects that further
the development and adoption of FHE while
addressing key challenges in advanced manu-
facturing that support Department of Defense
IPC Welcomes U.S. Presidential
Determination Prioritizing Domestic
Development of Printed Circuit Boards
and IC Substrates E
IPC, the global association representing the
electronics manufacturing industry, welcomes
the action of U.S. President Joe Biden in issu-
ing a "presidential determination" that priori-
tizes the domestic development of printed cir-
cuit boards (PCBs) and advanced packaging,
including IC substrates, under Title III of the
Defense Production Act (DPA).
American Made Advocacy:
A Collective Stake in American
Microelectronics E
Recently, hundreds of thousands gathered in
Las Vegas for the annual Consumer Electron-
ics Show, where amazing new tech was rolled
out—everything from razor-thin TVs to smart
robots that clean your home. As an executive
in the materials science space, I was struck not
just by the pace of innovation, but also by the
incredibly complex supply chains that were
necessary to bring those products from the
drawing board to reality.
Hughes Circuits Earns IPC-1791, Trusted
Electronic Designer, Fabricator and
Assembler Requirements QML E
IPC's Validation Services Program has awarded
an IPC-1791, Trusted Electronic Designer, Fab-
ricator and Assembler, Requirements Qualified
Manufacturers Listing (QML), to Hughes Cir-
cuits Inc., located in San Marcos, California.
Insulectro and LCOA Install R&D Lab With
Partner Kyocera in Orange County E
Insulectro, the largest distributor of materials
for use in the manufacture of printed circuit
boards and printed electronics, has opened a
testing and development laboratory for Kyoc-
era tools in its Lake Forest, CA headquarters.
e Lab was created in association with backup
and entry materials manufacturer LCOA™ in
that company's plant.
Fresh PCB Concepts: PCBs for Harsh and
Extreme Environments, Part 1 E
At the end of 2022, NCAB's Ryan Miller com-
pleted IPC's six-week IPC training certifica-
tion, PCB Design for Military, Aerospace and
Other Extreme Environments. is in-depth
course provided him with the knowledge and
tools to provide support to customers who are
designing within these harsh and/or extreme
IPC Issues February Economic Outlook
Report: Economic Data Provides a
Mixed View of the Economy E
Economic data over the last month is provid-
ing a mixed view of the economy per IPC's
February Economic Outlook report.