IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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Contents of this Issue


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IPC COMMUNITY 95 SPRING 2023 tive hubs, have prominent OEMs and suppliers that house companies in power and consumer electronics. IPC India hosted a networking event on Feb. 9 that provided support for the electronics industry in that region. A networking event and technical workshop was organized for the electronics industry in Vizagapatam, Andhra Pradesh, by IPC India on Feb. 7. The honorable Rolland Williams, secre- tary of Vizagapatam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, welcomed the guests, including Dr. Y Sreenivas Rao, director, Naval Sciences Technological Laboratory, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Government of India. With many naval and defense organizations in and around Vishakhapatnam, the region is poised for growth in a variety of electron- ics manufacturing sectors. This highlights the need for local industry to focus on innovation and the importance of the private sector in the growth of the defense industry. IPC India hosted several standards devel- opment activities, Feb. 22–25, conducted by David Bergman, IPC vice president of stan- dards and technology. In Pune, an automo- tive solutions committee met with prominent members of the Indian automotive indus- try to hear about their current challenges and opportunities. In Bengaluru, teams met with prominent EMS providers and wire harness organizations to discuss having a global standards/guidelines document that will connect Indian organizations on a com- mon platform. The PCB Design Committee also presented its progress and roadmap for 2023.

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