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18 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2023 How do we retain the best talent with an ever-changing workforce? Employees seem to be switching companies almost as soon as they are hired, which leaves many employers struggling to retain a qualified workforce. I b e l i e v e t h e a n s w e r l i e s i n a s t r o n g e r onboarding process that showcases a positive work environment and fosters growth among new hires. Here are four ways that companies can do that. Effective Strategies for New Hires 1. Start Onboarding Before Work Starts ink back to when you were hired for your first job, maybe in high school. You know the day, time, and place you started your first day on the job, and that's it. You were incredibly nervous because you didn't know how the first day would go. is is how many new hires feel about starting their first day in a professional setting. I felt anx- ious about my first internship, but my manager stayed in touch with me from the moment I was hired. He quickly introduced himself, asked if I had any questions, and sent regular emails until I started work. On the first day of work, I met my team and was told who to contact if I had questions about certain areas of my project. I felt incredibly welcomed on the team and moti- vated to start my first project. e same cannot be said with my second internship, however. is time, I didn't know who my manager was until the week before I started. I didn't know where to go or whom within the company to contact if I had ques- tions. I felt lost and did not feel welcomed on the team. I felt dis- couraged throughout the entire The New Chapter Feature Column by Hannah Nelson, VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY