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56 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2023 blame game, and no one volunteers to be the one blamed. Building morale is a process, just like any other process. To be successful, it must be consistent. e first building block to boosting morale is to be a mentor. If there is a problem, first review the situation. Don't jump to conclusions. Before looking for someone to blame, look for possi- ble systemic problems. Many times, it is not the fault of an employee at all, so try to eliminate all the possibilities before blaming anyone. If an employee is at fault, it may be an anomaly, so it's always better to start with a mentoring attitude rather than a disciplinary tone. When was the last time you met with an employee to say, "Great job"? (Crickets...) at silence, my friends, is a huge morale killer. Employees want to feel involved and empow- ered during their tenure. Negative reinforcement never works. If we already know how to fight fires and take time to blame someone, we can make time for positive reinforcement as well. Many times, when we fail, it is due to a lack of information or misunderstanding the results. Look differently at FAIL: "first attempt in learning." Rather than jump to conclusions, we need to view it as a mentoring opportunity. Of course, there may be times when it is obvi- ous that an employee deliberately did some- thing wrong or made a mistake. However, we should not immediately jump to that conclu- sion. Remember, they are part of the team. Make them feel like it. Another obstacle is when the workplace atmosphere is less than optimal, and employ- ees seem afraid of management. Again, this is our fault. If they just see and experience us dealing out disciplinary actions or negative reinforcement, can you blame them? If all they see is negative, fear ensues. You may be the greatest person in the world, but if employ- ees don't perceive you that way, then FEAR— "false evidence appearing real"—gets the bet- ter of them. We need to correct this and make the work- place positive for all employees. Leadership, mentorship, understanding, and positive rein- forcement play a significant role in nurturing employee morale. When one-offs or anoma- lies occur, remember how FAIL and FEAR play a significant role in the scenario. Try to find the positive while navigating the negative. Employees should never fear their supervisors or managers. If they do, you are doing some- thing wrong. Teamwork is so important today, so be that kind of a player. PCB007 Todd Kolmodin is VP of quality for Gardien Services USA and an expert in electrical test and reliability issues. To read past columns, click here.

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