Do you remem-
ber when you
started working
at your current
job? What sort
of onboarding
process did you
undergo? If you've been with the same com-
pany for decades, you likely didn't see much
of an onboarding process at all! If you're lucky,
your boss took you out to lunch on the first
day. Were you assigned a mentor? Were you
welcomed with open arms into your new work
family, or were you basically tossed in the
pond and told to sink or swim?
IPC is now accepting abstracts for the High
Reliability Forum, the international confer-
ence focusing on Class 3 and safety critical
electronics for mil-aero, automotive, medi-
cal, and long-life applications that are sub-
jected to harsh use environments.
Tamara Sites, a sales professional with strong ties to companies in the
electronics manufacturing sector, has joined the I-Connect007 sales
and marketing team, effective April 1. She most recently worked on
growing the IPC CFX community, part of IPC's Factory of the Future
initiative. Tamara will now focus her attention on increasing partner-
ships between I-Connect007 and companies serving the printed
circuit board industry supply chain, with a particular emphasis on
developing new business.
North American PCB Industry Sales Up
11.6 Percent in March
IPC announced the March 2023 findings from its North American
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Statistical Program. The book-to-bill
ratio stands at 0.91.
IPC Issues Call for Participation
for High Reliability Forum
The Shaughnessy Report:
A Strong Start
Tamara Sites Joins I-Connect007
Sales and Marketing Team