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82 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2023 substances they produce or import. Generally, REACH applies to all individual chemical sub- stances on their own, in mixtures, or in arti- cles. However, some aspects of REACH only apply to quantities of one tonne/year or more. e REACH regulation establishes a pro- cess for identif ying and controlling sub- stances of ver y high concern (SVHCs). As part of this process, the European Chemi- cals Agency (ECHA) maintains a list of sub- stances that are being evaluated for potential inclusion in Annex XIV (the "Author ization List"), called the Candi- date List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs). UK REACH In the UK, the govern- ment created UK REACH, which adopted all the provi- sions of REACH as they were at the time of Brexit. Under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, the EU REACH Regu- lation was brought into UK law on Jan. 1, 2021, and is known as UK REACH. EU REACH, and related legislation, were replicated in the UK with the changes needed to make it operable in a domestic context. The RE ACH statutor y instr uments that made these changes can be found on legisla- e key principles of the EU REACH regula- tion were retained in UK REACH, which reg- ulates chemicals placed on the market in GB. e UK REACH and the EU REACH regula- tions operate independently from each other. You must ensure you comply with both regula- tions, where necessary. Candidate List e Candidate List includes substances that have been identified as having properties such as being: • Carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic to repro- duction (collectively termed CMR) • Persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) • Very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvB) or that are considered to be of equivalent concern Aer a substance is added to the Candidate List, ECHA evaluates it based on the data sub- mitted and potentially renders a deci- sion on the proposed restrictions o r a u t h o r i s a t i o n r e q u i r e - ment. Aer completion of this evaluation, the pro- p o s e d r e s t r i c t i o n o r authorisation require- ment is brought forward at the REACH Commit- tee, where representa- tives from Member States and European Commission decide whether to adopt the measure. Once a substance is added to the Candidate List, manufacturers and importers of "articles," such as PCBs, are required to provide informa- tion to their customers and downstream users about the presence of the substance in their products, if the substance is present above 0.1 weight% (of the whole article). Annex XIV (the 'Authorization List') Once a substance is added to the Candidate List, it means that it is being considered for inclusion in the "Authorization List," which lists those substances that can only be used under specific conditions, such as that the risks are adequately controlled. Once a substance has been added to the Authorization List, there will be a period of 18, 21, or 24 months from the date of inclusion for manufacturers or importers to apply for autho- rization to continue manufacture or import of the substance the latest application date (LAD). If this is granted, it will be authorized The REACH regulation establishes a process for identifying and controlling substances of very high concern (SVHCs).