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near the wrong power and ground return areas or crossing between different refer- ence returns will create issues. e nice thing about this is you don't have to do a lot of cal- culations to get this right. Just be aware of where you're placing these power rails and your ground return will get you 90% there. en adjust for specifics. Also, don't forget to check the 3D effects of your ground con- nections to planes for all through-hole pins to be soldered. ese become heat sinks very quickly. What problem should PCB designers be more aware of? Manufacturing effects due to design layout. is goes back to some of the DFX issues. During fabrication: Nothing will bump up the cost of your board faster than having a poor layer stackup. Uneven layer structures and sequential laminations are your biggest hits. During assembly: Cold solder joints will require rework; solder mask defined pads create solder starving; unplugged vias in pads create all kinds of issues; placing components too close or sharing pin pads (besides being a J-STD-001 violation) will create a poor sol- Cherie Litson

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