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48 PCB007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2023 Your hiring practices are a critical part of the culture building process. A candidate's culture "fit" should be a key consideration in any job interview. ere are two reasons. First, a sin- gle employee can have a major impact on the chemistry and dynamics of the team. A strong match can add to the energy, capability, and focus of the team and they will oen act as brand advocates. Second, their personal lon- gevity and effectiveness in the job will be influ- enced. When people perceive that they belong (indicative of a good match), they tend to feel a stronger sense of purpose, show greater loy- alty, and perform at a higher level. When you create a great culture, your employees will do much of the recruiting for you. is gets back to the earlier movie line, "If you build it, they will come." Current employ- ees are more likely to share positive experi- ences with their connections and because peo- ple tend to be drawn to organizations with great cultures, the time spent searching for high quality talent is reduced significantly. is is why the "Best Places to Work" designations are so valuable. It's one of the best ways to posi- tion your business to attract top talent. On the other hand, comments le by dis- enfranchised employees on social media and sites like Glass Door can actively repel top tal- ent. Negative work environments and toxic cultures can create a major challenge as you work to attract future candidates. Now, a word of caution. Personal bias can lead you to hiring people just like you, which can become problematic if you're not careful. Culture fit is important but there is tremen- dous advantage in diversity. It allows the orga- nization to bring new ideas to the table, which is an important ingredient for innovation. If you want to increase the quality of your hiring and reinforce your culture simultane- ously, here are a few recommendations: • Describe the culture clearly in job ads. Even creatively. Let them know what it's really like to work there. • During the interview, get beyond the technical skill questions. Take your time and ask the questions that will lead them to talk about their interests, perspectives, and experiences. • Never oversell the position. Be honest about its responsibilities. • Work to instill consistency between the culture you describe and the process that your applicants experience. If you espouse collaboration, communication, integrity, and/or innovation, make sure it's demon- strated in the process. • Pay close attention to any red flags that appear, especially related to culture fit. You can oen train for technical skill but adjusting behavioral patterns is a challenge. Your culture has the potential to drive the success of your business if it is intentionally aligned with the organization's values and sup- ported properly. Great cultures don't happen accidentally; they are cultivated. Ensure that you are build- ing the practices that create the environment you really desire. Look carefully for those indi- viduals who align well and then practice trans- parency as you share that desire. Watch how they respond. If they are excited and ener- gized by the vision, move them forward. If they hedge or hesitate, think twice regardless of their technical skill. If you build it, they will come. Who knows what legendary performance might follow. PCB007 Brian Wallace is the founder and CEO of HR Strategies Now, a human resources consulting firm based in Cypress, Texas. He holds a master's degree in management and an SPHR certification from the Human Resources Credentialing Institute. He has led transformative HR initiatives across five industries for more than 20 years.