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26 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2023 Electronics have pro- f o u n d l y i m p a c t e d s o c i e t y, s h a p i n g how we live, com- municate, wor k , a n d e n t e r t a i n ourselves. Nearly ever y aspect of our lives is affected by electronics in some way. If you want proof, sit and watch people in pub- lic; everyone is on a screen. e communication rev- olution alone has transformed our lives, enabling instant global connectivity. Some would argue these advances come with their dis- tinct disadvantages. We have never been more connected but more isolated without face-to-face conversations. Smart- phones, the internet, social media platforms, and email have transformed how we inter- act, share information, and conduct business worldwide. In this realm of modern innovation, PCBs have undergone a profound evolution in their functionality, shapes, and materials. e increasing demands for smaller, more power- ful, and more efficient electronic devices have Consider Physics When Designing Non-traditional Geometries led to a paradigm shi in PCB design and man- ufacturing. One of the sig- nificant impacts of innovation on PCB shapes is the move away from conven- tional rectangular and square boards toward more cus- tomized and irreg- ular shapes. ese unconventional shapes cater to the sp ec if ic requirements of diverse applications, such as wear- ables, IoT devices, automo- tive electronics, and more. ese nontraditional shapes allow for bet- ter integration into the final product's form factor, enabling designers to maxi- mize space utilization within the device. But there is something that is much more important here. Yes, PCBs are the foundational backbone of every modern electronic device, and they're composed of relatively simple fiberglass, copper, and dielectric materials. Every PCB has two purposes: First, to pro- vide a method of placing components, and second, to make all the required interconnec- tions between those components. at, in its Elementary, Mr. Watson Feature Column by John Watson, PALOMAR COLLEGE