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30 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2024 lot in store for this full-version update, includ- ing the addition of capabilities for dispensing equipment, hand soldering stations, and wave soldering machines, not to mention support for getting IPC-CFX into existing lines with legacy equipment. Analyze That Is your company getting the most out of the data flowing through your operations? As our industry evolves to meet new challenges and respond to more complex demands for elec- tronic devices, there is an increasing need to use manufacturing data to improve the way our operations are run. Get a leg up on best practices for under- standing and analyzing the data from your equipment to help you respond to problems faster or before they happen. Attend the pro- fessional development course, "Introduction to Machine Data Analytics in the EMS Indus- try," led by Tim Burke, PhD, chief technol- ogy officer, Arch Systems Inc. is course, on Monday, April 8, will use anonymized data sets from real-world SMT equipment for students to learn how to read and analyze the data and then contextualize it for their factories. Visit IPC booth #4420 Tuesday through ursday to grab your free copy of the new IPC Industry Intelligence white paper, "Out- look for Data Analytics in the Electronics Man- ufacturing Industry." is white paper provides a nuts-and-bolts approach to the need for data analytics with EMS companies and provides a top-five list of data analytics use cases. Just the Facts To best prepare our industry for sustainabil- ity reporting requirements, a new task group is developing IPC-2553, Global Standard for Digital Sustainability Credentials. is standard will establish the framework, content defini- tion, and secure interoperability mechanism to provide the ability to exchange facts that influ- ence environmental sustainability, without the risk of IP leakage. You can learn all about this standard and when it will be available for industry comment when the Digital Sustain- ability Credentials Standard Task Group meets from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, April 9. Security! At s o m e p o i n t — i f i t h a s n' t h a p p e n e d already—your company and/or one in your shared supply chain will be subject to a cyber- attack. When this happens, the social and busi- ness ramifications can be insurmountable. To address such attacks and how to report them through the supply chain, the Cyberse- curity Protection Standard Task Group has developed IPC-1792, Standard for Cybersecu- rity Management in the Manufacturing Indus- try Supply Chain, which establishes require- ments to provide assurance that products have been manufactured in cybersecure environ- ments, ensuring that there has been no risk of impact to the product due to cybersecurity incidents. You can learn about this standard and its importance to your operations and guide the task group on additional needs that can be served through the standard by attending the task group meeting from 8 to 10 a.m. Wednes- day, April 10.