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80 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2024 assembly industry. EXPO, the trade show floor exhibition, was designed to ensure that each exhibitor, regardless of booth size, is provided an equal opportunity to select exhibit space and that all show rules are fairly and uniformly applied to all exhibitors. To that end, the exhibitor lottery drawing has remained the best way to guarantee each exhibitor has an equal opportunity to choose the best exhibit space. In keeping with IPC's 40-year policy and to support the integrity of this important industry event for all paid exhibitors, no one who is not a part of the event's official program can conduct or spon- sor a function of any kind from the opening to the closing of the event. In short, any function that is not part of the event's official program is prohibited. In 2009, the trade show name was changed to IPC APEX EXPO and is now viewed as a single trade show event consisting of many dif- ferent elements and serving the full electron- ics supply chain. In keeping with IPC's orig- inal intention of seeking a new and indepen- dent trade show event that would better serve industry members—IPC APEX EXPO—IPC remains committed to keeping this a cost- effective show as it pertains to exhibit space while promoting the philosophy of competi- tion based on the merits of the company prod- ucts and services, not only the size of their booth or hospitality events. Today, the show's technical conference, paper and poster presentations, professional development, and robust business networking opportunities make for a full week for all lev- els of participants and a show that seems to get better every year. A year aer its inception and to this day, IPC APEX EXPO has been recognized as one of the top 250 trade shows in the U.S. and has received many accolades since. In 2012, 2013, and 2018, IPC APEX EXPO was awarded one of the 25 fastest-growing shows for attendance by Trade Show News Network (TSNN). In 2017, IPC APEX EXPO was awarded one of the 50 fast- est-growing shows for attendance and exhibit- ing companies by Trade Show Executive Mag- azine. Most notably, in 2019, IPC APEX EXPO was recognized as the fastest-growing associa- tion show for attendance in the United States for 2016–18 by the Trade Show News Network (TSNN). As we inch closer to the 25th anniversary of IPC APEX EXPO in 2025, it's nice to share how it all began and I'm proud to say I've been here every step of the way. SMT007 Alicia Balonek, CEM, is senior director of trade shows and events at IPC.

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