PCB007 Magazine


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MARCH 2024 I PCB007 MAGAZINE 27 cant amount of greenhouse gas emissions, but here are some ways to reduce the carbon foot- print: 6,7 1. Optimising energy consumption: Semi- conductor companies can reduce their car- bon footprint by optimising energy con- sumption. For example, they can use renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power to power their operations. 2. Reducing waste: Semiconductor manu- facturing generates hazardous and non- hazardous waste streams. Here, collabo- ration with the supply chain to identify opportunities for waste reduction or alter- native use, and identify ways to reduce manufacturing waste by improving yield, optimising processes and minimising the waste of scrap material, is crucial. 3. Improving supply chain transparency: Semiconductor companies can improve their supply chain transparency and trace- ability, essential for ESG reporting. is can be achieved by using digital technolo- gies such as blockchain to track the move- ment of goods and materials through- out the supply chain. More companies are building supply chain data management platforms and adopting full material dis- closure and life cycle assessments to evalu- ate the environmental and social impact of their supply chains, from manufacturing to transportation, and product use to product recycling. In manufacturing, big data and machine learning have enabled solutions to optimise production scheduling deci- sions and navigate a wide array of com- plex factors, including customer orders, batch sizes, line capacity, and workers' skill levels. As a result, plant productivity increases, the carbon footprint is reduced, and the well-being of shop floor employees improves. 4. Improving stakeholder engagement: Semiconductor companies can improve their stakeholder engagement by provid- ing more channels for communication and feedback. is can help them to better understand the needs and expectations of their stakeholders and develop more effec- tive ESG strategies. 5. Developing innovative solutions: Semi- conductor companies can improve their ESG performance by developing innova- tive solutions that address ESG challenges. For example, they can develop new mate- rials and processes that reduce the envi- ronmental impact of semiconductor manu- facturing. The Impact of Green Electronics Along with 48 other companies and research institutions covering the entire value chain, AT&S is working on the development of new technologies to make electronics produc- tion in Europe more sustainable as part of the EECONE (European ECOsystem for greeN Electronics) project. e 35 million euro proj- ect is scheduled to run for three years and is funded with 20 million euros from the Euro- pean Union and participating member states. If our substrates and PCBs are as environ- mentally friendly as possible in their use of resources, and electronic waste can be further reduced, we will be able to make a consider- able contribution to a more sustainable future. EECONE, a large-scale research proj- ect under the leadership of the German chip manufacturer Infineon, is intended to find new ways to make the electronics industry in Europe more sustainable along the entire value chain. e objective is to minimise the use of valuable resources in the production processes by exploring better ways to recycle, repair and treat electronic components and, among other things, find alternatively usable materi- als. Reducing non-reusable waste and improv- ing recycling systems is a subject of research within the project. At the same time, other project partners will work on more resource-efficient ways of microchip production and on more sustain-

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