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APRIL 2024 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 27 toward building better boards. ese courses cover a diverse range of topics and highlight the wide variety of fields in our industry. If you are an expert and comfortable with instructing in a virtual platform, have engag- ing classroom techniques, keep up to date with industry trends and technological advance- ments, can connect theory to on-the-job per- formance, and believe you have a compelling course topic, please click here to get in touch with me. We would be happy to hear from you and consider your proposal. What is the most challenging part of your job as a training manager? One of my primary responsibilities is to stay up to date with the ever-evolving landscape of our industry. I must ensure that the courses we offer provide value to our members and are relevant, meaningful, and not outdated or inef- fective. It is essential to engage students dur- ing training sessions to promote active learn- ing. To achieve this, the IPC Education team works collaboratively with our instructors to design engaging content that caters to dif- ferent generations, learning preferences, and skill levels. is approach enables me to help employees learn and grow, fostering a skilled and engaged workforce that drives productiv- ity and job satisfaction. What is the best part of your job? One of the best parts is that I get to work with some of the most incredibly brilliant and com- mitted individuals in the electronics indus- try. Second, helping adult students achieve their learning and career goals is a profoundly rewarding experience. As an educator, wit- nessing the transformation of these dedicated learners is both inspiring and fulfilling. Adult learners bring a wealth of life experiences to the classroom. Their diverse backgrounds enrich our online discussions, providing unique industr y perspectives that enhance ever yone's learning journey. It's incredibly rewarding to witness the "aha" moment when a student grasps a concept and demonstrates their ability to apply it. Whether it's acing an exam, completing a project, or hearing about a promotion, celebrating their achievements and career successes only adds to the satisfaction. Is there anything else you would like to add? Many adult students juggle multiple responsi- bilities from jobs, families, and other commit- ments. Despite these challenges, they persist. Adult learners embody the spirit of lifelong learning; it is a continuous journey. Help- ing adult students reach their learning goals is more than disseminating knowledge; it is about empowering individuals to transform their lives. IPC of fer s f undamental, inter- mediate, and advanced courses to expand stu- dents' design and manufacturing capabilities. To review our course calendar, click here. We appreciate your time. ank you. DESIGN007

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