IPC Community


IPC International Community magazine an association member publication

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IPC COMMUNITY 61 SPRING 2024 The summit kicked off Tuesday, Feb. 13, with Tyler Noesser of alliantgroup conducting "Stra- tegic Practices for Success," a technical educa- tion workshop that focused on strategies for employee retention, a hot topic in today's com- petitive business landscape. Attendees packed the room, eager to gain insight into strategies for keeping valuable team members engaged and committed. "The program committee selected speakers who could provide tools that attendees could implement quickly to help their businesses," said Doug Chowning, American Syscomp- tel, program committee chair. "Attendees of WHMA's Global Leadership Summit agreed that this goal was achieved." The highlight of the first evening was the Wel- come Reception and the opening of the Exhibit Hall. Against the backdrop of 30+ exhibitors, attendees enjoyed drinks and appetizers while fostering professional connections and explor- ing new opportunities for collaboration. George Jacob, CEO of E-TRON Systems, remarked on how useful the summit was from a business perspective, and underscored the ben- efit of networking. "When we speak with execu- tives of other companies in the industry at the summit, we find that we are all facing the same challenges, so we talk about possible solutions," he said. During the opening remarks on Wednes- day, Feb. 14, Joe DeMan of Interconnect Dynamics—an Amphenol Global Solu- tions Provider passed the board chair title to Parker Garrett of EMSCO, a former member of the U.S. Navy, who introduced the day's first keynote. Retired Navy Capt. David Marquet titled his keynote, "Turn the Ship Around!" Drawing from his experi- ence as a Navy submarine captain, he shared powerful insights on lead- ership, emphasizing the impor- tance of teamwork and trust. "Giv- ing orders became the last resort, not the first resort," Marquet told his audience, as he urged leaders to empower their teams to make decisions and foster a culture of collabo- ration. Later that day, Cara Silletto of Magnet Cul- ture presented "The Case for Change: Critical Workforce Insights for Leaders," which focused on building loyal workers. She provided valu- able perspectives on workforce dynamics by challenging traditional notions of loyalty, high- lighting the importance of communication and understanding in today's evolving workplace. The afternoon's keynote was delivered by Brian Fretwell, whose session, "Building Cul- Parker Garrett is the new WHMA Board Chair.

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