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AUGUST 2024 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 29 with something genuine, which is increasingly rare in today's world. Next, how do you become a more authentic leader? Authenticity fosters connection, since to be real, one must be vulnerable. Being vulnera- ble means leading by example, admitting your own difficulties and challenges openly. When you share your vulnerabilities, it encourages your team to reciprocate, creating a deeper bond. However, achieving this level of open- ness requires courage, especially in technical or engineering environments where such vul- nerability may not be the norm. e best measure of courage is being vul- nerable, which is not easy. But think about the most effective leaders you have ever encoun- tered. What traits did they exhibit? I'll bet they exhibited openness, authenticity, and vulnerability, through a willingness to tell you stories and share personal anecdotes, details about their lives, and their own struggles. Such openness defines true leadership. Dem- onstrating courage in this way both measures and inspires followership. By showing vulnera- bility, you encourage your team to support you and each other, ultimately fostering a culture of thriving where everyone feels a deep sense of connection and a desire to contribute to something greater. Authenticity comes from your personal story, because it goes back to who you are, your pur- pose, why you exist, and how you were raised. Business schools rarely teach authentic leader- ship. We learn by seeing it in action. You can't fake it. Faking who you are feels stressful and uses too much energy. It causes burnout. Take a few minutes to think of the following examples: 1. One instance of a boss you loved. 2. One instance of a boss you disliked. 3. Your own story of feeling connected at work. If you haven't confidently tapped into your authenticity, you will second-guess your instincts and allow a fear of judgment to steer you. Conclusion e journey toward a thriving organiza- tional culture is ongoing and requires consis- tent effort from senior leadership. By embrac- ing empathy and authenticity, leaders can improve their workforce's morale and produc- tivity while also driving their organizations to sustainable success—even in the face of ongo- ing challenges. SMT007 References 1. "Culture: 4 Keys to Why It Matters," by Carolyn Dewar and Reed Doucette, McKinsey & Company, March 27, 2018. 2. "Every Company Has Human Capital—Not Every Company Develops It," by Jennifer Robison, CliftonStrengths, Gallup, May 11, 2021. Audrey McGuckin is CEO of The McGuckin Group. Audrey McGuckin

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