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24 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 because it attempts to put together a whole-of- life model for the electronics ecosystem rather than looking at individual items in isolation. Detail Matters While IMEC studies are effective from a top-down standpoint of the whole energy cost of electronics and subsystems, at the day-to- day level, it is down to individuals and teams to make a difference. Additionally, the cost of PCB design is not solely down to energy, though that plays a part at every point. e fact that the type of build alone can impact the cost should be considered, as well as the material choices. When considering materials for high-speed boards, especially those intended for volume use, it is wise to assess whether each layer needs high-speed materials. e savings can be con- siderable if basic materials can be used in layers where speeds are low or moderate. Clearly, a different approach is required for low volume. However, if the volume is low because of a prototype application, it's worth exploring the same material choice used in volume to pre- empt any surprises should you prototype in an exotic material and back off the specs on less critical layers in final production quantities. Short, Slim, and Smooth Per my recent column on high-speed designs, you can reduce the need for exotic materials if you have the luxury of keeping the high-speed lines as short as possible. Losses are directly proportional to line length. If a compact design is viable, you can save on both the cost of mate- rials and the consumption of square meters. Panelise With Waste Minimisation in Mind Designing with panel size in mind can save on material costs. e late Martin Cotton was a firm believer in optimising the total design to Figure 1: Half the length, half the losses.

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