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70 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 applications. UHDI technology helps develop compact and efficient power man- agement systems that can handle the high power demands of modern aircra. 6. In-flight entertainment and connectiv- ity: UHDI is used in the development of advanced in-flight entertainment and con- nectivity systems, which require high-den- sity electronics to deliver robust perfor- mance while minimizing weight and space. 7. Control systems: Flight control and engine control systems use UHDI technol- ogy to integrate multiple functions into a compact space, enhancing performance and reliability. 8. Environmental control systems: ese systems, which manage temperature, pres- sure, and air quality in aircra, benefit from the compact and reliable nature of UHDI technology. 9. Missile and defense systems: In military applications, UHDI technology is used in missile guidance and defense systems where high performance and reliability in extreme conditions are essential. e implementation of UHDI technology in aerospace ensures that electronic systems are as efficient, lightweight, and reliable as possible, meeting the increasingly rigorous demands of the industry. DESIGN007 Anaya Vardya is president and CEO of American Stan- dard Circuits; co-author of The Printed Circuit Designer's Guide to… Fundamentals of RF/Micro- wave PCBs and Flex and Rigid- Flex Fundamentals. He is the author of Thermal Management: A Fabricator's Perspective and The Companion Guide to Flex and Rigid-Flex Fundamentals. Visit to download these and other free, educational titles. A breakthrough study by researchers from Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, and Chongqing University has revealed a novel method to manipulate the electronic proper- ties of tellurium crystals using plasma irradiation. Tellurium, a chemical element with unique elec- tronic characteristics, has long fascinated scientists for its potential applications in electronics and opto- electronics. However, methods to effectively modify its electronic properties have been limited. In this research, published in the journal Nanomaterials, the team explored the effects of plasma irradiation on tellurium crystals. By exposing tellurium crystals to plasma irradia- tion, the researchers observed significant changes in the material's electronic properties. This non- intrusive technique allowed for precise control over the modification process, opening up new possibili- ties for the design of advanced devices. The study found that plasma irradiation effec- tively modified the surface of the tellurium crys- tals, leading to changes in their band structure and conductivity. These alterations have the potential to enhance the performance of tellurium-based devices in areas such as photovoltaics, sensors, and optoelectronic switches. The significance of this research lies in its poten- tial to revolutionize the way we manipulate materi- als for technological applications. By understanding how plasma irradiation can modify the electronic properties of tellurium, scientists can now design and fabricate devices with enhanced performance and novel functionalities. This breakthrough demonstrates the power of plasma technology in materials science and engi- neering. As the research continues, it is expected that new avenues for the development of advanced technologies will be unlocked. (Source: Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics) Plasma Irradiation Transforms Tellurium's Electronic Properties

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