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44 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I AUGUST 2024 the PCB design and simulation domains. eir partnership has streamlined electronics hard- ware design by seamlessly integrating Ansys HFSS advanced simulation capabilities within the Altium PCB design process. e collaboration between Altium and Ansys is driven by a shared vision to eliminate the disconnect between electronics design and advanced simulation, a common hurdle in electronics development that oen leads to inefficient design iterations, scheduling delays, increased costs, and time-to-market risks. is collaboration culminated in the devel- opment of the Altium-Ansys Co-Designer smart digital bridge. It provides design orga- nizations with an intelligent, bidirectional integration that enables continuous data exchange between the Ansys and Altium elec- tronics design packages, replacing manual data exchanges and inefficient communication methods between designers. Benefiting From an Evolved Process A dysfunctional and disjointed design pro- cess is oen marred from the start as PCB layout designers begin the design in isolation, without input or consideration for all the signal performance and power delivery requirements or implications. Without early collaboration and input from simulation engineers, organiza- tions struggle to avoid the inevitable late-cycle delays, redesigns, and respins that stem from isolation. ese challenges and their impacts on project time and cost are exacerbated as design complexities increase. Even with some level of collaboration throughout the design process between PCB designers and simulation engineers, that col- laboration is oen through ad-hoc methods, including emails, screenshots, and casual con- versations. ese ad-hoc methods lack preci- sion and intelligence, contributing to design adjustments that have the potential for misun- derstanding or guesswork. It is also far too common that multiple late- design prototype, test, and redesign cycles are accepted as a necessary evil. Waiting until the later stage of the design means design tweaks (big and small) are virtually guaran- teed, requiring time-consuming redesigns and costly respins. e transition to a functional, iterative pro- cess fundamentally transforms the interaction, communication, and collaboration between layout designers and simulation engineers throughout the design cycle, from one of isola- tion and fragmentation to one of seamless and intelligent integration. From Isolation to Left-shifted Collaboration Enabling intelligent and integrated commu- nication and collaboration early in the process allows simulation engineers to participate and contribute their insights on signal performance and power requirements in conjunction with the physical design considerations right from the start. is level of integration introduces real-time communication abilities between the designers and engineers. Inter-tool com- munication allows immediate discussions and clarifications of simulation results, fostering informed and targeted design adjustments. " It is too common that multiple late-design proto- type, test, and redesign cycles are accepted as a necessary evil. "

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