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12 SMT007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2024 We're seeing custom- ers believing that a previ- ous blocker to their get- ting value from data was the skill set in their workforce to know how to use data to make decisions. at still is a challenge. ere's an end- run around that. I don't have to wait. I can have an AI agent assist, fill in that skill set and uplevel my exist- ing folks without requiring them to retrain as data sci- ence people. Now I've got a direct mechanism in which data helps me run the factory better. When it's coupled with an AI agent, I can turn that directly into the actions that make sense. You mention using an LLM for queries, but would you be using a smaller, more focused Tim Burke the tasks that need data aren't that hard conceptually when I factor in this new rise in AI agents." e idea is to use a large language model (LLM), not necessarily in helping you write a document, but to help automate a task or to support a decision by using data. is is one area where these tools are getting pretty good. What we're generally hearing is that an AI agent makes so many decisions that have a large delta on how efficiently I run my factory, even with standard, not special data models. ere are a bunch of fairly straightforward questions to answer from data with a little bit of prompt engineering to the agent, and they can add sig- nificant value.

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