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56 SMT007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 Total North American EMS shipments in September 2024 were up 10.3% compared to the same month last year. Compared to the preceding month, September shipments up 2.0%. Oshri Cohen, CEO of Cybord, discusses advancements in both counterfeit detection and data analytics. To hear Oshri describe Cybord's work is to realize that real-time counterfeit detection technologies can also contribute directly to improving process windows in production. Nolan Johnson speaks with Joel Scutchfield from Koh Young at this year's SMTA Interna- tional convention in Rosemont, Illinois. Scutchfield shares insights on data-driven factories and the dynamics of adopting new technologies and processes. North American EMS Industry Shipments Up 10.3% in September Counterfeit Detection: Cybord's Accurate One-Two Punch Real Time with... SMTAI 2024: Koh Young's Lessons in System Integration TOP TEN EDITOR'S PICKS According to a new research report from the IoT analyst firm Berg Insight, the number of smart homes in Europe and North America reached 126.2 million in 2023. North America is the leading market in terms of penetration and 41% of all households in the region had at least one smart home product or system at the end of the year which equals 60.8 million smart homes. Close to 50% of European and North American Homes Will Be Smart by 2028

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