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4 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2024 FEATURE INTERVIEW Effects of Advanced Packaging on Stackup Design with Kris Moyer FEATURE ARTICLE Are Our Rules No Longer Valid? by Cherie Litson FEATURE COLUMNS A Stack of Advanced Packaging Info by Andy Shaughnessy AI-driven Inverse Stackup Optimization by Barry Olney Advanced Packaging Technologies: Look Before You Leap by Kelly Dack Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Impact on PCB Stackup by Vern Solberg 10 14 8 20 32 40 DECEMBER 2024 • FEATURE CONTENTS This month, expert contributors discuss the impact of advanced packaging and stackup design— from SI and DFM challenges through the variety of material tradeoffs that designers must contend with in HDI and UHDI. We learn that with a little research, planning, and collaboration with the fabricator, any seasoned PCB designer can utilize advanced packaging. Advanced Packaging and Stackup Design 10 20 14 32 40

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