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S A N J O S E , C A L I F O R N I A N O V E M B E R 1 1 - 1 3 , 2 0 1 4 SMTA and Chip Scale Review are pleased to announce plans for the 11th Annual International Wafer-Level Packaging Conference and Tabletop Exhibition. This premier industry event explores leading-edge design, material, and process technologies being applied to Wafer-Level Packaging applications. The IWLPC Technical Committee would like to invite you to submit an abstract for next year's program. Deadline for submittal is April 18th, 2014. Suggested Topics to Submit Wafer LeveL Packaging • Wafer Level Chip Scale Packaging (WLCSP), Flip Chip, Fan-Out and Redistribution, Wafer and Device Cleaning, Nanotechnology, Quality, Reliability, and COO MeMS Packaging • MEMS Processes and Materials, MEMS Design Tools or Methods, Nano-MEMS and Bio-MEMS, Integration, MEMS Integration and Interconnects, RF/wireless, Sensors, Mixed Technology, Optoelectronics 3-D Package inTegraTion • 3D WLP, Thru Silicon Vias (TSV), Silicon Interposers, Stacking Processes (W2W, D2W, D2D), IC Packaging Substrate, Embedded Die and Passives, TSV Integration: FEOL vs BEOL >> Call For Papers SMTA Surface Mount Technology Association O r g a n i z e d b y SubMIT AbSTRACT onLInE General Conference Chair: Keith A. Cooper, SET north America Technical Conference Chair: Steven Xu, Qualcomm >> FOr mOre inFOrmatiOn, please cOntact: patti Hvidhyld-coles | 952-920-7682 Questions on the Conference or Exhibition