May 2014 • SMT Magazine 99
WSI Industries' Sales Growth
Continues in 2Q14
Benjamin Rashleger, president and Ceo, com-
mented, "our top line sales growth continued in
our fiscal 2014 second quarter as we experienced
our second consecutive quarter with sales in ex-
cess of $10 million."
Sparton acquires aubrey
Group; Expands
medical Portfolio
"We are pleased to announce the acquisition of
Aubrey group, which will add an innovative prod-
uct development offering to our portfolio, allow-
ing us to provide enhanced services throughout
the product lifecycle," stated Cary B. Wood, presi-
dent and Ceo of Sparton.
michalkiewicz to Chair
Top IPC Leadership
Renee Michalkiewicz, MIT, general manager, Trace
laboratories, Baltimore, has been elected chair of
the IPC Technical Activities executive Committee
(TaeC) for a two-year term. Michalkiewicz suc-
ceeds Douglas Pauls of Rockwell Collins, who held
the role for IPC's top standards development over-
sight committee for the past two years.
SmTa Publishes Electronic
assembly Handbook
Chapter topics include soldering and materials,
printed wiring boards, components, paste-print
stencil, component placement, assembly line de-
sign and optimization, solder reflow, wave sol-
dering, dispensing, and inspection and test. each
chapter outlines the fundamental attributes of crit-
ical assembly processes providing full-color images
and diagrams to illustrate real-world applications.
IPC, JEDEC Launch Grid
array Test Standard
one of the big challenges for many board design-
ers today is to eliminate or reduce the damage
caused by shock and vibration. Whether they're
producing cell phones or aerospace boards, engi-
neers want to use the best design and manufac-
turing processes for attaching ball grid array pack-
ages to printed boards.
Kimball EmS Earns award
from Future Electronics
on March 19, Kimball electronics group was rec-
ognized by future electronics with the "global
Customer of the year 2013" Award. The award
was presented to Don Charron, president of Kim-
ball electronics group, during the future electron-
ics world-wide sales conference held in Montreal.
May 2014 • SMT Magazine 99 for the latest SmT news—
anywhere, anytime.