46 The PCB Design Magazine • July 2014
Last year, Dr. Eric Bogatin, the "Signal In-
tegrity Evangelist," announced the end of his
famous signal integrity classes. At the time I re-
member thinking to myself, "What's next for
If you know Eric, like I do, you realize that
the end of one phase of his career usually
means the start of the next one. And now we
know what that is. You see, Eric has been busy
the last six months preparing to launch his new
Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy Web
Eric is currently a signal integrity evangelist
with Teledyne LeCroy, and on the faculty at the
University of Colorado at Boulder, where he re-
cently moved to from Kansas.
He has a BS degree in physics from MIT, and
MS and PhD degrees in physics from the Uni-
versity of Arizona in Tucson. He has held senior
engineering and management positions at Bell
Labs, Raychem, Sun Microsystems, Ansoft, and
Interconnect Devices. Prior to joining Teledyne
Lecroy, he ran a successful company providing
signal integrity training, Bogatin Enterprises,
along with his wife Susan.
I met and got to know Eric in 2008, when
we collaborated on our first DesignCon paper
for 2009, Practical Analysis of Backplane Vias.
We were privileged to win a Best Paper award
that year. Since that time we have worked on
several projects together, and have become
good friends. The last project we worked on was
for a DesignCon2013 paper titled, Dramatic
Noise Reduction using Guard Traces with Op-
timized Shorting Vias, which also won a Best
Paper award.
Over the years, I have
studied much of Eric's
work through his papers,
articles, webinars, blogs
and content from his pre-
vious website. I always
made it a point to catch
all of his presentations at
any conferences I attend-
ed. I have his first edition
book, Signal Integrity Sim-
plified as well. It has been
one of my go-to books
when starting any of my
research projects or trying
to grasp concepts.
Like the other go-to
signal integrity books
in my library, it is well
marked and used, though
this one seems more so
than others. Having the
by Bert Simonovich
lAMsiM EnTErPrisEs
Accelerating the SI Learning Curve:
Bogatin's SI Academy
Figure 1: Eric Bogatin preaching to the signal integrity choir.