50 The PCB Design Magazine • July 2014
News Highlights
Dragon Circuits Adds Up-cycled PCBs
to Drone Division
since Dragon started their uAv/drone branch ear-
lier this year, the first step to up-cycle scrap mate-
rial for drones was an obvious one. vice President
rajan Babaria comments, "Many circuit boards are
layered and quite durable. it was clear this would
make them a great candidate to be used as a drone
IPC Offers One-day Conflict
Minerals Conference
Continuing its long-standing conflict minerals edu-
cational outreach efforts, iPC is offering a one-day
conference, "Conflict Minerals: staying Current in
a Changing landscape," July 10, 2014, in santa
Clara, California to provide manufacturers up-to-
the-minute information on the changing land-
scape of conflict minerals.
Invotec's Flex Rigid PCBs Earn
ESA Approval
having secured its first approval from the European
space Agency (EsA) earlier this year, invotec group
is delighted to announce that it has now gained
approval for sequential flex rigid boards.
i3 Electronics to Supply PCBs
for Satellite Use
The company announced that an industry-lead-
ing aerospace and telecommunications firm has
awarded the company a substantial contract for
the supply of its high-complexity, high-reliability
PCBs for a satellite application.
gardien Services USA Debuts A8/g60
Test Combo
gardien services usA is happy to announce the ad-
dition of its new Acceler8/g60 Flying Probe com-
bination to its ever expanding Quality Assurance
offerings available in Plymouth, Minnesota.
FTg Secures LTA for PCBs for
Wing Platforms Use
Firan Technology group Corporation has been
awarded a new three year long term agreement
(lTA) from one of the leading global OEMs sup-
porting the aerospace market. The agreement
incorporates a variety of high-technology PCBs
for use on key fixed-wing platforms including the
Boeing 787, Airbus A350, A400M, and the Bom-
bardier C-series.
Ventec Europe Announces AS9100
Rev C Accreditation
The company is proud to announce that the quali-
ty management system at its leamington spa, uk,
headquarters is now fully accredited to As9100
revision C, in accordance with the Aerospace
supplier Quality system Certification scheme
En9101:2011, En9104-001:2013.
Possible Expansion of Anti-counterfeiting
Applied DnA sciences' signature DnA marking
program is currently in use by several defense
industry suppliers for application on electron-
ics deemed to be at high risk for counterfeiting.
A house committee has begun consideration of
the DoD's fiscal year 2015 budget request, taking
particular interest in efforts to combat the intru-
sion of counterfeit parts into the military supply
SIA Lauds DoD Rule Reducing
Counterfeit Semicon
The semiconductor industry Association (siA),
representing u.s. leadership in semiconductor
manufacturing and design, has applauded a newly
finalized DoD rule that reduces the risk of coun-
terfeit semiconductor products being used by
our military by implementing needed safeguards
in the procurement of semiconductors and other
electronic parts.
Aerospace & Military APU Market
to Hit CAgR of 3.92%
APu use the same fuel as the aircraft's engines and
generally account for about 2% of the total fuel
consumption on a given mission. The global aero-
space and military APu market is estimated to be
$1,527.89 million in 2014 and is projected to reg-
ister a CAgr of 3.92% to reach $1,851.69 million
by 2019.
50 The PCB Design Magazine • July 2014