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18 SMT Magazine • August 2014 Other Components Logic Printed or organic low-cost, low transistor count devices would satisfy the needs for logic required for many mainstream applications. There have been efforts to print RFID tags, but although these have been demonstrated, they are not commercial yet. PragmatIC is working on many product prototypes and smart pack- aging concepts with different companies. They have shown winking gift cards, and interactive bottle labels with wirelessly powered LED se- quences (Figure 5) have worked with De La Rue and Tiger Print (Hallmark), etc. The company also announced that ITW has licensed their PRINtED ELECtRONICs tEChNOLOgy CasE stuDy continues technology. ThinFilm and PARC are also very active in this space. The end game is to put together an ecosys- tem that would focus on building complete de- vices. The challenge remains integration of all the varying components but also identifying the application and need; people are trying a lot of ideas to see what sticks. Conductive inks The application here is printed ink for sim- ple conductors, resistors, capacitors, heating el- ement. These elements constitute components that are easy to do, low cost, required to con- nect different parts of the device and can be de- posited directly onto packaging substrates. Innovations include: • Touch code from Printechnologics: printed conductors on a card that can FEaTuRE Figure 4: Interactive Cheerios packages are wirelessly powered. Figure 5: Interactive bottle labels feature wirelessly powered lED sequences.