68 SMT Magazine • November 2014
news Highlights
68 SMT Magazine • November 2014
orbit to Delist From nasdaq,
Deregister From sec
orbit international Corporation intends to volun-
tarily delist its common shares from the Nasdaq
Capital Market and to subsequently deregister its
common stock under the Securities exchange act
of 1934, as amended.
crane aerospace invests in ace
selective soldering system
The new KiSS-102 selective soldering system has
been installed at the Crane aerospace & electron-
ics manufacturing facility in lynnwood, Washing-
ton, and is the second selective soldering machine
Crane aerospace has ordered from aCeProduction
sparton, Ultra electronics Jv wins
$26.2m contract
Sparton Corporation and ultra electronics uSSi, a
subsidiary of ultra electronics holdings plc (ule),
announce the award of subcontracts valued at
$26.2 million from their erapSCo/SonobuoyTech
Systems joint venture.
Pasternack earns excellence award
from raytheon
Pasternack enterprises, inc. has been awarded the
4-Star Supplier excellence award by raytheon's in-
tegrated Defense Systems (iDS) business.
Douglas electrical components earns
iPc 620 certification
The iPC-a-620 program is the only industry qual-
ity assurance standard for cable and wire harness
fabrication and installation agreed upon by mem-
bers of the ipC and the wire harness Manufactur-
ers' association.
Qcg achieves as9100 rev c certification
"all of our customers, no matter their industry, will
reap the benefits of aS9100C because of its rigor-
ous process standards," said David Nabasny, QCG
president. The certification expands on existing
iSo 9001:2008 standards by focusing on specific
areas of product safety and reliability for the aero-
space industry.
ait Presents conformal coatings for
extreme environments
aiT's coatings have added flexibility to withstand
low-temperature cracking, fungicide to provide
additional protection in submerged environments,
and are non-silicone and electrically insulating so
to not interfere with neighboring electronics.
Ducommun recognized for 9s-7 raiDer
Helicopter role
Ducommun incorporated was recognized by
Sikorsky aircraft, a subsidiary of united Technolo-
gies Corporation, for its role as a critical partner on
the S-97 raiDer helicopter program.
kitron secures new order for
kongsberg gruppen
Kitron has received a new order worth approxi-
mately NoK 51 million from Kongsberg gruppen
for delivery of electronic modules that are part
of Kongsbergs's weapon control system remote
weapon Station (rwS).
DarPa Unveils tool to identify
counterfeit electronics
"The advanced Scanning optical Microscope—
one of many iriS--developed technologies--offers
important hardware security and reliability assur-
ance capabilities," said Kerry bernstein, Darpa
program manager. "These tools are optimized to
support the mission of ensuring trust in microelec-
tronics in DoD labs such as NSwC Crane."