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December 2014 • SMT Magazine 57 another. Thus it is evident that more than one source is necessary. There are many excellent science and tech- nology newsletters available (I-Connect007 produces several) that one can subscribe to: dai- lies, weeklies, and monthlies; some offer late- breaking news alerts as well. It is doubtful that anyone can read everything but one can do a quick scan to see if anything pops and dig in if it seems appropriate. This is actually one of the great benefits of having a variety of sources, as it increases the potential of getting something un- expected. Moreover, if one subscribes not just to newsletters targeted on their own industry or interest, it is possible that some unexpect- ed synergy can be found between elements of seemingly disparate disciplines as mechanics and metaphysics or physics and philosophy. In summary, because of the rapid advance of technology and the internet we are now living in very interesting times. Curiously, one of the purported curses of the ancient Chinese was, "May you live in interesting times." The an- cients, it suggests, were more interested in stasis than in change and interesting times were con- sidered times of change and turmoil. Clearly as we approach the projected singularity things will get increasingly interesting. Obtaining and digesting knowledge about the march of tech- nology, now being delivered in massive quanti- ties on a daily basis through the internet, will be the key to our becoming masters of the future rather than its victims. SmT TrAcKING TecHNOLOGIcAL cHANGe IN THe INTerNeT AGe continues ArTiClE verdant Electronics Founder and president Joseph (Joe) Fjel- stad is a four-decade veteran of the electronics industry and an international authority and in- novator in the field of electronic interconnection and packaging technologies. Fjelstad has more than 250 u.S. and interna- tional patents issued or pending and is the author of Flexible Circuit Technology. CliCk To View Video Interview Matt Kelly, a senior technical staff member at iBM, talks with guest Editor Bob wil- lis about Big Blue's efforts to recruit the technologists of tomorrow. Kelly also dis- cusses how SMTA provides a variety of avenues for entic- ing young technical talent into the industry. Ibm Seeking the Next Generation of Technologists by Real Time with... SMTAI 2014