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February 2015 • SMT Magazine 27 rISK aNd MITIGaTION FOr TIN WHISKerS aNd TIN PeST continues ronald C. lasky, phD, pe, Senior Technologist, indium corpora- tion, holder of the prestigious SMTA Founder's Award, is a world-renown process expert and an instructional professor at Dartmouth college. He has over 25 years of experience in electronics and optoelectronic packaging and assembly. He has authored or edited five books and numer- ous technical papers and holds several patent disclosures. CliCk To View video interview Guest editor bob neves and ipc president Dr. John Mitchell discuss the expansion of ipc's certification and training initia- tives, and the drive to bring more assembly companies to ipc apeX eXpo. Mitchell also talks about the organization's efforts in china. IPC Focuses on Training Project, Contributing to Chinese Market by Real Time with... HKPCA & IPC EXPO 2014 ogy Conference, 2005. 9. Xian, Ai Ping, and Liu, Meng, "Tin Whis- ker Growth on the Surface of SnCu0.7 Solder with a Rare Earth (Nd) Addition," Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol 38, No. 11, 2009. 10. NASA Tin Whisker homepage. 11. Xu, C., Fan, C., Zhang,Y., Abys, J., Hop- kins, L., Stevie, F., "Understanding Whisker Phenomena: Driving Force for Tin Whisker For- mation," Proceedings from IPC SMEMA APEX Conference, ppS06-2- 1-S06-2-6, Jan 2002. 12. Dimitrovska, Alexsandra, "Mitigation Strategies in Tin Whisker Growth," PhD the- sis, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA, Dec 19, 2009. 13. Yanda, I, "Electroplating of Lead-Free Solder Alloys Composed of Sn-Bi and SN-Ag," Proceedings of the IPC Printed Circuits Expo," Long Beach, CA, USA, pp. S11-2 to S11-7, 1998. 14. Osterman, Michael, CACLETin Whisker Group Teleconference, Jan 11, 2012. 15. Woody, L., "Update on PERM Activities," 7th International Symposium on Tin Whiskers, Costa Mesa, CA, USA, Nov 12–13, 2013. 16. CALCE Tin Whisker Risk Assessment Software page. 17. Lasky, Ronald C., "Tin Pest: ElusiveThreat in Lead-Free Soldering?" Journal of Failure, Anal- ysis and Prevention, (2010) 10:437-443. As originally published in the 2014 SMTA Inter- national Conference Proceedings Feature