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86 SMT Magazine • February 2015 Opening Keynote Address: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 8:30–9:30 a.m. The Xbox Story: Lessons in Strategy, Team Management and entrepreneurship robbie bach Former President of Entertainment & Devices at Microsoft, Xbox visionary and civic activist Chances are you or your kids own an Xbox, or at least have played games on one. But do you know the story behind this ground- breaking game console? The Xbox saga— from garage-shop inception, through numerous crises and challenges, to ultimate business success— is a multi-faceted tale with several compelling story lines. Bach joined Microsoft in 1988 and worked in various marketing and management roles for 22 years. Beginning in 1999, he led the development of the Xbox business, includ- ing the launch of the original Xbox and the highly successful follow-up product, Xbox 360. Bach will speak from his experience as the chief Xbox officer, taking the audience "behind the scenes" and sharing the triumph of a strategic process that brought together a disparate group of talented individuals. Bach will explain how this collection of individuals transformed into a powerful team that applied entrepreneurship principles to build a successful consumer busi- ness within the larger Microsoft structure. Day Two Keynote Address: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 9–10 a.m. Flying Saucers and Science/ Science was Wrong Stanton Friedman Nuclear Physicist, UFO Researcher Do you take UFOs seri- ously? Nuclear physicist and lecturer Stanton T. Friedman does. Friedman will challenge the audience as he draws on more than 40 years of research on UFOs, and his work on a wide variety of classified ad- vanced nuclear and space systems. He will an- swer a number of physics questions in layman's terms, and establish that travel to nearby stars is within reach without violating the laws of phys- ics. The audience will journey with Friedman to locations in the universe where aliens reside, learn why they've come to Earth and their mo- tives to cover-up their visits. You'll never feel the same about the universe again. Friedman was a nuclear physicist for 14 years for companies such as GE, GM, Westinghouse, TRW Systems, Aerojet, General Nucleonics and McDonnell Douglas, working in such highly advanced, classified, and eventually canceled programs as nuclear aircraft, fission and fusion rockets and various compact nuclear power plants for space and terrestrial applications. Since 1967, Friedman has presented at more than 600 colleges and 100 organizations across the 50 U.S. states, 10 Canadian provinces and 18 other countries in addition to various nu- clear consulting efforts. He has published more than 90 UFO papers and has appeared on hun- dreds of radio and TV programs, including three appearances on Larry King (2007 and 2008) and in several documentaries. 2015 ipC apeX eXpo show Guide show preview