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Made in the USA Contact us today to learn what we can do for YOU! Greater exibility with the choice of utilizing our specialized manufacturing resources locally in the Midwest for projects requiring value pricing, quality and on-time delivery. You can rely on EI: Same day shipments Single, double sided or multi-layer Flexi boards Flexi-rigid multilayered boards Buried and blind vias Controlled impedance Sequential builds Microwave/RF Micro vias Metal PCBs – up to 4 layers Surface nishes: HASL, tin-nickel, hard gold, soft bondable gold, immersion gold, immersion silver and Entek Carbon inks, conductive epoxies, lled holes UL approval on 6 oz. copper Our Capabilities 800.364.4844 Electronic Interconnect Corp. 2700 W. Touhy Avenue, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Electronic Interconnect is your best value for PCBs, because we are... THE PCB EXPERTS.