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October 2015 • The PCB Design Magazine 51 signed to do a very complex high-speed board for a computer manufacturer. I was concerned because I didn't consider myself as a high-speed designer and I didn't want to let anyone down. I started using a high-speed design application and grew quite adept at it, but I still didn't con- sider myself a high-speed designer. I refined my existing high-speed skills, learned some new skills as well, and designed a great board. But I still didn't see myself as a high-speed designer. Then, at the end of the design, I was con- gratulated on my high-speed design. Bing! The light went on and I realized that I was indeed a high-speed designer. Once again I had allowed the black spot of negative expectations to influ- ence my thinking. We obviously aren't going to do every little thing that we've ever dreamed of. I'm not going to be an astronaut or a Hollywood celebrity, and I'm pretty sure that I will never become Tony Stark's Iron Man. But there are many things out there that we can achieve professionally and personally that we don't try for because we have labeled ourselves with the black spot of negative expectations. And in the same vein, the black spot of neg- ative expectations can create great harm in our relationships and derail potential success, both professionally and personally. I believe that we would all benefit immensely by investing in a huge can of "black spot remover" and eliminat- ing as many negative expectations as we can in our lives. Now, I think that I'll go and indulge myself in a big chunk of coffee cake. PCBDESIGN Tim Haag is customer support and training manager for intercept Technology. Flying cars, hoverboards and video chat—a very futuristic vision for the year 2015 was pre- sented in the movie "Back to the Future Part ii", released in 1989. now, shortly before "Back to the Future Day" on October 21, 2015, it is time to check whether reality has indeed kept up with the daring predictions of the '80s. Marty McFly, the protagonist of the movie "Back to the Future Part ii," uses a time machine to travel from the year 1985 to October 21, 2015. in the technological uto- pia of 2015 he is in for quite a few surprises. One of them is a colos- sal display on top of a cinema, from which a ter- rifying 3D shark seems to jump out to get him. A first prototype has been developed by Tri- lite Technologies and Tu Wien a few months ago. each 3D pixel (called "TrixelTM") consists of a laser and a moveable mirror. The mirror di- rects the laser beams across the field of vision, from left to right. With this basic idea, different pictures can be sent to the viewer´s left and right eye, so that a 3D effect is created without the need for 3D glasses. "The software for controlling the modules and displaying movies has already been devel- oped," says Jörg reitterer (from Tri- lite Technologies, and PhD student in Professor ulrich Schmid's team at Tu Wien). "We can use any off-the-shelf 3D movie and play it on our display." Back to the Future: Science Fiction Turns Science Fact tim's takeaways AVOIDING THE BLACK SPOT OF NEGATIVE ExPECTATIONS