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52 The PCB Design Magazine • November 2015 etc. The depth and breadth of documentation requirements for one PCB assembly was a key motivation in our development of BluePrint- PCB, a tool developed explicitly for authoring PCB fabrication and assembly documentation. Shaughnessy: What sort of opportunities do you see for downstream in the future? Gallant: As organizations put more focus on how designs are built, and invest in processes and tools to improve the transition to manufac- turing, there is great opportunity on both sides. We see opportunities for electronics manufac- turers to meet their goals for time to market, lower their costs for new product introduction, and improve product quality. The same is true for tool providers such as DownStream Technol- ogies, as we recognize the trend towards a de- sign and manufacturing focus. Working togeth- er with our customers, developing and enhanc- ing our tools to meet their demands will result in market-leading tools, specifically developed to offer a less error-prone, efficient transition from design to manufacturing. Shaughnessy: thanks for speaking with us. Gallant: Thank you. PCBDESIGN DOWNSTREAM TAkES ON DATA DOCuMENTATION MANAGEMENT At the final review, the 16 partners involved in the Eu-funded project DEEP presented their in- novative hPC platform: a 500 TFlop/s prototype system implements the Cluster-Booster concept which has a lot in common with a turbocharged engine. The DEEP system achieves the highest density and energy efficiency due to Eurotech's Aurora technology, while it showcases the EXToll hPC interconnect, and also leverages intel multi- and many-core processors. ParaStation MPi, provided as part of ParTec's ParaStation ClusterSuite, has been turned into a Global MPi, the key system software component linking Cluster and Booster. Scalability, energy efficiency, programmabil- ity, and manageability are major challenges on the way to building exascale-class supercomputers. To address them, the collaborative DEEP r&D proj- ect implemented the novel Cluster- Booster concept, a heterogeneous architecture that enables applica- tions to always run at the right level of concurrency: highly scalable code parts profit from the through- put of the many-core Booster. The final DEEP system is up and running at JSC: with a peak performance of 500 TFlop/s, it uses Eurotech's Aurora technology to achieve tight packaging (the whole system uses less than two racks) and high energy efficiency through direct liquid cooling. DEEP has developed a complete software stack that features an easy-to-use and familiar programming environment for application de- velopers, and can achieve an optimal match be- tween hardware and application characteristics. A global MPi implementation covers both Clus- ter and Booster, and is based on the fully MPi- 3-compliant ParaStation MPi by the Munich- based software company ParTec. last but not least, six real-world hPC appli- cations from science and industry were opti- mized for the DEEP concept. The work resulted in modernized versions of the codes, which are now ready to achieve high performance across a wide range of architectures. initial results on the final DEEP system show the performance potential and clearly demonstrate the advantages of its architecture, such as its high flex - ibility and efficiency in using sys- tem resources. The prototype system at JSC will be made accessible to hPC ap- plication developers outside the DEEP project. Supercomputer with Turbocharger feature interview