72 The PCB Design Magazine • November 2015
Insulectro Hosts Silicon
valley Designers Council
on october 15, about 25 people gathered for
the iPC Designers Council Silicon valley Chapter
meeting at insulectro's facility in Mountain view,
California. The 1.5-hour meeting opened with a
warm welcome from Chapter President Bob Mc-
Creight, CiD, a PCBA designer at Tesla Motors,
and Jason Marsh, vP of product management at
Mentor Graphics Enhances
PADS 3D Tool Capabilities
Mentor Graphics Corporation today announced
new PADS 3D tool capabilities plus major usability
enhancements to the PADS flow for printed circuit
board (PCB) design. The new technology provides
visualization, placement, and design rule checking
in 3D, minimizing iterations with mechanical and
manufacturing teams.
The Shaughnessy Report:
Squeezing Seconds Out of
the Design Cycle
it's almost that bad, isn't it? When you're design-
ing a board, time is always your enemy. Your dead-
line is around the corner, and you can't be late.
(You're going to catch the blame anyway, even
if it's not your fault.) So you constantly look for
ways to shorten your design cycle, even if it means
squeezing out a few seconds here and there.
New version of valor Process
Preparation Connects Lean
NPI Flow with Industry 4.0
This release of the valor Process Preparation prod-
uct includes enhanced support for rapid test pro-
gramming, including the ability to intelligently link
schematic, PCB layout and bill of materials (BoM)
data. Simply selecting a track on the PCB layout
immediately shows the node in the corresponding
schematic diagram from design, and vice-versa.
Recent Highlights from PCBDesign007
72 The PCB Design Magazine • November 2015